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  • Cultivated Mixed Large-Medium Slices American Ginseng.

Cultivated Mixed Large-Medium Slices American Ginseng.

Update Terakhir
10 / 04 / 2020
Min. Pembelian
1 Bungkus
Harga Mulai
Rp. 1.150.000
Sampai dengan
Rp. 1.450.000
Dunia Vitamin, menawarkan produk multivitamin dan mineral yang terlengkap ( vitamin A to Z ), bermutu atau berkualitas terbaik, terpercaya karena semua produk yang kami tawarkan sudah dijual di USA selama 35 tahun dan harga yang bersaing dan terjangkau.
Untuk Pemesanan Silahkan : SMS : 0813 - 8315 - 8716. ATAU Email : [email protected]
GRATIS Pengiriman Untuk : Jabodetabek & Bandung ( minimal pembelian Rp. 3.500.000 )

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Detail Cultivated Mixed Large-Medium Slices American Ginseng.

American ginseng roots Suplemen.

American ginseng roots by Hsu'''s are available in several families and sizes for a multitude of uses in foods, soups, teas, and gift-giving. American ginseng is a yin (cold) tonic, for those who are yang (hot) in nature. It is recommended for all ages and sexes and for all seasons and climates. As an adaptogen, a natural substance known to normalize body functions, American ginseng helps the body to utilize other substances and supports elimination of those toxic substances that affect the body'''s wellbeing.

Hsu's Ginseng Enterprises, Inc. is the world's premier grower, importer and exporter of the storied crop since 1974. Hsu'''s defines the international American ginseng trade through numerous export awards at the State and National level. Located in Marathon County, WI, we operate on over 1,000 acres of virgin ginseng land to produce highly prized Wisconsin-grown American ginseng. Our investment into growing the highest quality American Ginseng for over 40 years allows us to create unique ways to enjoy ginseng in your daily life.

The N45th parallel represents distinguished climates and environments as it circles the globe. Almost 90% of the United States''' American ginseng crop is grown within a 25 mile radius of where the N45th parallel crosses Wausau, Wisconsin. A four-season weather pattern takes place along this designation, offering several unique agricultural products '' each with their own special characteristics created by a distinctive environment usually referred to as ''terroir''. In temperatures below 32 degrees Fahrenheit with ample amounts of snow in the winter and the right amounts of heat and rainfall through the growing season.
100% natural. No MSG or food coloring. Consume entirely or refrigerate after opening. Images may not be identical to the actual product. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please consult your physician if you have a potential or existing medical condition.
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